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War Child

Etat : inconnu pour le moment

Villes :Goma (Districts : Goma - Provinces : Nord-Kivu)


Social - Humanitaire

Ajoutée : mardi 24 janvier 2023 à 08:51 | Modifiée : mardi 24 janvier 2023 à 10:55 | Vues 162 | Avis vérifiés




Présentation :

At War Child, we will never give up on children affected by conflict. 

War Child is the only specialist charity for children affected by conflict. For more than two decades, we’ve been driven by a single goal – ensuring a safe future for every child living through war.  

We aim to reach children as early as possible when conflict breaks out and support them long after the cameras have gone. We deliver life-changing services and support in communities affected by conflicts to keep children safe and help them to heal and learn for the chance of a better future.




Compétences / Savoir-faire / Missions :


Accountability is central to how we deliver quality programming. 

We are committed to being accountable to children, young people, and their communities. We realise this overarching commitment by aligning and adhering to global standards on, and that which relate to, accountability. 

Humanitarian Principles 

As a humanitarian actor, we uphold the four pillars of principled humanitarian action: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. 


Minimum Standards 

We seek to systematically deliver quality programmes that adhere to sectoral Minimum Standards such as those developed by The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. 


Core Humanitarian Standard 

We are a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance and seek to adhere to the nine commitments on quality and accountability, putting communities and people affected by crisis at the centre of our programmes. 

Our accountability to affected populations framework 

In our programmes, we are guided by four key building blocks that form the foundation of our approach to accountability. These essential components are: 

  • Participation and inclusion 
  • Information and communication 
  • Feedback and response 
  • Learning and adaptation 


Safeguarding and preventing of sexual exploitation and abuse 

We have a duty of care to children, vulnerable adults, staff, and volunteers. We are committed to preventing and responding to any form of harm caused by sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment, and bullying. 



We protect, educate and stand up for the rights of children living through conflict.  

Whether it’s ensuring Iraqi children get an education, providing psychological support to children who have been traumatised by conflict in Yemen, or finding lost vulnerable children in Afghanistan. 

We understand children’s needs, respect their rights and put them at the centre of everything we do. We listen to what they have to say and help to amplify their voices so that they can advocate for change to the systems and practices which hold them back. We boldly campaign on the root causes of conflict to help create a safer future for children across the world.

Our work covers four main areas: 


Protecting children 

We work with children, families, communities, and governments in conflict zones to protect children from danger. Whether they are moving across borders, living in their homes, on the streets or in refugee camps; we support children’s wellbeing, provide safe spaces for them to play and learn, and get the psychological support they need to process their experiences of conflict. 



Educating children 

We work to ensure children’s learning continues in times of crisis. We set up temporary learning spaces, provide catch-up classes, rehabilitate schools damaged by bombs and bullets, and support teachers operating in conflict zones. We work with families and communities to ensure they have the resources and knowledge to support their children’s education. 



Supporting communities 

We provide immediate and long-term support to young people, families and communities living through conflict. We provide families with food, cash relief and access to other life-saving essentials and support young people and caregivers with the skills they need to find apprenticeships and employment. 




We work to ensure that challenges faced by children are understood and addressed. We boldly campaign to influence global leaders and empower young people to raise issues and campaign for change themselves. 



We are stronger together. 

Conflict affects 1 in 6 children across the world, and to date, more than 40 million children have been forced from their homes because of it. One child impacted by war is one child too many.

Your support means we can reach children as early as possible when conflict breaks out and stay to support them through their recovery - keeping them safe, helping them learn and cope with their experiences, and equipping them with skills for the future.

You can help us be there for children who need us most when they need us most.




Contacts :

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Offres d'emplois par War Child

Offre d'emploi : Finance Officer

mardi 24 janvier 2023 | Localité : Goma | Annonceur : War Child

          Avis de recrutement d’un « Finance Officer »       Résumé Poste : 1 Finance Officer Type de contrat CDD – 6 mois [...] Voir l'offre

Voir toutes les offres d'emplois disponibles









 ● Micro/Petites entreprises (116)  ● Moyennes entreprises (2500)  ● Grandes entreprises (1)  ● Centres de Formation Pro (1)  ● Les Compétences  ● Métiers (294)  ● Ecoles Toutes les entreprises RDC (2618) Les entreprises qui recrutent RDC Entreprises par Villes


Entreprises par secteur d'activité :

Administration - Public - Parapublic (1) Agriculture (0) Agro-industrie (0) Aquaculture (0) Arts - Artisanat - Culture (0) Audiovisuel (0) Automobile (0) Banques - Finances - Assurances (0) BTP - Construction (1) Coiffure (0) Commerce Général (0) Communication (0) Comptabilité (1) Cosmétique (0) Création graphique (0) Design (0) Diplomatie (0) e-Commerce (0) Education - Formation (1) Elévage (0) Energie (0) Environnement (2) Evénementiel - Accueil - Hôtesses (0) Fiscalité (1) Forces de défense (0) Froid et Climatisation (0) Grandes Ecoles / Instituts (0) Hébergement - Restauration - Hôtellerie (0) Hébergement Web (0) Hygiène et Salubrité (0) Immobilier (0) Import - Export (0) Imprimerie - Edition (0) Industrie de l'Habillement (0) Industries brassicoles (0) Justice - Droit (0) Marketing (0) Mécanique (0) Menuiserie Bois (0) Mines (1) Quincaillerie (0) Recherche (0) Ressources humaines (6) Santé - Pharmacie (2) Sécurité - Gardiennage (0) Sécurité Informatique (0) Services aux entreprises (0) Social - Humanitaire (14) Solutions de paiements (0) Spiritualité - Religion (0) Sport (1) Téléphonie (0) TIC (0) Tourisme - Loisirs (0) Traduction - Interprétation (0) Transport - Logistique - Services postaux (1) Universités (0) Ajouter une entreprise Proposer un métier
Culture - Tourisme RDC





Afrique du Sud
Burkina Faso
Cap Vert
Côte d'Ivoire
Eswatini (Swaziland)
Guinée Bissau
Guinée Equatoriale
République Centrafricaine
São Tomé-et-Principe
Sierra Leone
Soudan du Sud

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