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Accueil >> Cameroun >> Régions >> SUD-OUEST >> Départements >> Ndian >> Villes >> MUNDEMBA

Ville/Village : MUNDEMBA

(Département Ndian - Région SUD-OUEST)

Posté : dimanche 24 mars 2019 à 21:44 | Modifié : dimanche 05 avril 2020 à 10:08 | Vues 1K+



Location of the council

Mundemba Council is located in Ndian Division in the South West Region of Cameroon and was created in 1977. The council has a surface area of 1.557kilometres squares. The Mundemba Council shares boundaries with Eyumojock in the North, Isangele and Ekondo Titi in the South, Toko, Konye and Dikome-Balua in the East and Nigeria in the West.

Description of the biophysical environment


The Mundemba municipality has an equatorial climate with two main seasons: the dry and the wet seasons. The dry season is usually very short and runs from November to February while the wet season is long and it’s between March to October. (Source: PAMOL Weather station)


The mean annual rainfall for the period of 2005 – 2009 was 13.2mm3.

Monthly rainfall recorded indicated that maximum rainfall occurs from June to October while the minimum rainfall is between December to February. Annual records also show that 2005 was the wettest year, with a mean annual rainfall of 15.3mm3 within the years of data collection (2005 – 2009). (Source: PAMOL Weather station)

Humidity and temperature

The mean monthly temperature ranges from 23oC to 30oC between 2005 and 2009 with a mean maximum monthly record of 33.5oC between January- March (2005), and a minimum monthly record of 22.5oC in January (2008). (Source: PAMOL Weather station)


The Mundemba municipality is composed of a stretch of hilly topography. It is made of gentle slopes gradually increasing as we go from the south west coast of river Ndian to the undulating slopes of the Rumpi Hills forest reserve in the south west, stretching right up to Toko sub division. Another stretch of undulating hilly topography is found in the south east of the municipality, around the northern part of the Rumpi forest reserve. The proposed council forest is relatively flat with dotted areas of undulating gentle slopes. The highest point here is a hill with altitude of 505m. (Source: Mundemba Monographic Study, 2010)


The municipality is drained by streams and rivers. Most of the rivers and streams take their rise from the Rumpi hills and the northern part of the Korup national park (KNP). Rivers and streams that take their rise from the Rumpi hills and flows towards the northern section of the proposed council forest while those that take their rise from the northern part of the KNP flow in a southern direction of the park. The streams in block A combine to form the Mana and Mbo’s rivers that finally drain into river Ndian and the Atlantic Ocean while the main stream Mossambi in block B converge with river Lokeri and drains into Dibonda river,which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. (Source: Mundemba Monographic studies, 2010)


A description of the geology and soils of the area can be done following Dumort (1965) describing the South West Region including the municipality. His description showed that the Precambian gneiss and cretaceous sedimentary sandstones which form old basement complex decomposes in situ into old sandy soils. These soils are heavily leached as a result of their low after retention capacity and the frequent heavy rainfall in the municipality. Analysis of composite samples of the cores of the top 10cm of soils from the Korup national park which shares a common region with the municipality shows that the soils are strongly acidic (Low PH) and low in nutrients (Gartland, 1986; Newbery et al, 1988). (Source: Mundemba Monographic studies, 2010)


The forest is part of the Atlantic Biafran Refugia as described by Letouzey. It is a moist lowland evergreen forest, rich in Cesalpinaceae. The forest is quite dense and virgin and frequently encountered species include: Bubinga, Moabi, Iroko, Bilinga, Poga, Azobe, Ekop Naga, Tali, Okan, Framire and Dabema. Other occurring species are Ilomba, Niova, Padouk, Movingui, Aiele and several others less utilized timber species.

The proposed council forest area also contains a variety of non timber forest products (NTFPs), of high economic value such as Bush mango, Njansang, Bush onion, Bush pepper, bitter kola, Eru, Shell nuts and several others with less economic potential. (Source: Mundemba Socio Economic studies, 2009)

History and people of the council (origin of the people, population, etthnic groups, religions, main economic activities)

The Oroko people originated from the Congo basin, migrating upwards and splitting into two groups. One part settled around the south Region of Cameroon while the other migrated to the South West Region settling along the Kumba-Mamfe high way right up to Mbonge and down to Mundemba. The Korup people came from the South-eastern part of Nigeria (Effike people) settling around the Southern sector of the KNP.

The population of the municipality is 30 044 (field survey 2011) inhabitants belonging to six clans (Batanga, Bakoko, Bima, Ngolo, Korup, Balondo Bandiko). The inhabitants of Mundemba are Christians belonging to various denomination as follows; Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Jehovah Witness, Winners Chapel, Redeemed Christian Church, Apostolic, and Full Gospel.

The major economic activities in these communities are agriculture and petty trading, with PAMOL Ndian Estate having a large oil palm plantation with a processing unit employing about two thousands workers. The maritime access and transit to Nigeria also promote economic activities in the area.

Basic socio-economic infrastructures

In terms of socio economic infrastructures, the following was realised;

Health: There are five health centres in the municipality. Two out of the five are functional while three are non functional. Also two hospitals are found in the municipality which includes: District Hospital Mundemba and the PAMOL hospital in the camp.

Commerce: Only two markets are found in the municipality. They are Mundemba town and Bulu camp. Out of the two only one is permanently constructed, which the market in Bulu Camp constructed by RUMPI while the other one in Mundemba Town is temporal in nature.

Education: There are thirty four primary (government, mission and lay private) four nursery and five secondary schools in the municipality.

Social amenities: There is one grand stand, one foot ball field, and one youth and animation centre in the municipality. Also there are five motels all which are found in Mundemba town.

Financial institutions: there are four private and two public or government financial institutions within the municipality. These include; FIFFA, Ndian cooperative credit union, Lobe cooperative credit union, Express Union, Post office and the treasury respectively. They ease the transfer of money within and out of the municipality.

Communication: Three private multi media centres are found in the municipality. In terms of communication, the post office serves as a medium of exchange of information.

Water and Energy resources: The main source of energy in the municipality is thermal. Out of the forty villages, only two are electrified. These are Mundemba Town and Manja village. The source electricity within the PAMOL camps is provided by the company itself. Even though these two villages (Mundemba town and Manja) have electricity, the population still suffer from irregular supply of electricity. Some villages within the municipality have community generators while others are in permanent black out and they use bush lamp, candles and touches. Also in terms of water supply, there is CAM water supply within the Mundemba town while other villages have various water schemes like bore holes and wells. Notwithstanding this, there is need for extension of CAM water to other communities without water schemes.

Decentralised state services: In terms of infrastructures, not all the twenty two state services represented in Mundemba have buildings constructed by the government. Ten out of the twenty two government state services are resident in private building and they are; Employment and vocational training, Environment and protection of Nature, Social Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Women Empowerment and the Family, State Property and land Affairs, Secondary Education, Water and energy resources, Sports and physical Education, and Industry, Mines and Technological Development.



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Où dormir à MUNDEMBA ?

Hôtels, motels, auberges... à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver un hébergement à MUNDEMBA.

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Où manger à MUNDEMBA ?

Restaurants à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où prendre un repas succulent, consommer une spécialité locale à MUNDEMBA.

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Où boire / prendre un verre à MUNDEMBA ?

Bars à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où prendre tranquillement un verre à MUNDEMBA.

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Où danser / se défouler à MUNDEMBA ?

Boîtes de nuit à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où se distraire, se défouler, danser... à MUNDEMBA.

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Où faire le marché à MUNDEMBA ?

Marchés, super-marchés, boutiques de commerce général... à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où faire le marché à MUNDEMBA.

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Où se former à MUNDEMBA ?

Centres de formation professionnelle à MUNDEMBA. Les écoles de formation professionnelles à MUNDEMBA.

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Où se soigner à MUNDEMBA ?

Hôpitaux, dispensaires, centres de santé, médecins traditionnels, pharmacies... à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver un établissement hospitalier, une pharmacie ou des soins en médecine traditionnelle à MUNDEMBA.

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Où imprimer des documents à MUNDEMBA ?

Imprimeries, secrétariats bureautiques... à MUNDEMBA. Entreprises où faire des impressions ou des travaux d'imprimerie à MUNDEMBA.

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Spécialistes agriculture à MUNDEMBA ?

Entreprises agricoles à MUNDEMBA. Trouvez des entreprises et spécialistes de l'agriculture à MUNDEMBA.

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Banques et assurances à MUNDEMBA ?

Banques, assurances, établissements de microfinance à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver une banque, une microfinance ou des services d'assurance à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises automobiles à MUNDEMBA ?

Vente, location de véhicules, garages, ventes de pièces automobiles... à MUNDEMBA. Entreprises où acheter, louer, réparer des véhicules, acheter des pièces automobiles à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver les spécialistes de l'art et de l'artisanat à MUNDEMBA ?

artistes, artisans, entreprises du secteur de l'art et de l'artisanat... à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver un artiste, un artisan ou une entreprise du secteur de l'art et de l'artisanat à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver les professionnels de l'habillement à MUNDEMBA ?

Tailleurs, Stylistes, modelistes, couturiers, ateliers de couture... MUNDEMBA. Professionnels de la mode et de l'habillement à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises sociales à MUNDEMBA ?

Orphelinats, aide aux handicapés et aux personnes à mobilité réduite, insertion professionnelle des personnes à mobilité réduite, recyclage des déchets, agriculture biologique, etc. à MUNDEMBA. Trouvez des entreprises sociales à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver un notaire à MUNDEMBA ?

Notaires à MUNDEMBA. Localisations offices notariaux à MUNDEMBA.

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Où aller à l'école à MUNDEMBA ?

Ecoles primaires et maternelles, lycées, collèges MUNDEMBA. Etablissements scolaires à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises de l'industrie agroalimentaire à MUNDEMBA ?

Les entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire à MUNDEMBA. Informations sur les entreprises du secteur de l'agroalimentaire à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises du bâtiment à MUNDEMBA ?

Construction, bâtiment et travaux publics... à MUNDEMBA. Où trouver les entreprises du bâtiment à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises d'ingénierie à MUNDEMBA ?

Ingénieries sociale, électronique, informatique, automobile, financière, biomédicale, mécanique.. à MUNDEMBA. Où trouver une entreprise d'ingénierie à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises de ressources humaines MUNDEMBA ?

Ressources humaines, recrutement de personnel, recyclage de personnel... à MUNDEMBA. Où trouver les entreprises de ressources humaines à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises de transport et logistique à MUNDEMBA ?

Agences de voyages, services de logistique... à MUNDEMBA. Où trouver les services de logistiques et les agences de voyages à MUNDEMBA.

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Entreprises spécialisées dans le déménagement à MUNDEMBA ?

Entreprises de déménagement à MUNDEMBA. Où trouver les entreprises de déménagement à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver les entreprises d'import - export à MUNDEMBA ?

Entreprises import - export à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver les entreprises d'import et export à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver des entreprises de services aux entreprises à MUNDEMBA ?

Services aux entreprises à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver des services pour les entreprises à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver des entreprises de transit maritime à MUNDEMBA ?

Entreprises de transit maritime à MUNDEMBA. Lieux où trouver des entreprises de transit maritime à MUNDEMBA.

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Où trouver un huissier de justice, un cabinet d'avocats ou un avocat à MUNDEMBA ?

Cabinet d'avocats, avocat, huissier de justice... à MUNDEMBA. Localisation des huissiers de justice, cabinets d'avocats, avocats... à MUNDEMBA.

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Attractions touristiques : MUNDEMBA

Aucune attraction touristique n'a encore été enregistrée dans cette ville !

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Entreprises MUNDEMBA :

Aucune entreprise enregistrée pour le moment dans la ville de MUNDEMBA ! Si vous connaissez une entreprise dans cette ville, ajoutez-là dans l'annuaire.

Si par ailleurs, vous connaissez une personne (Patron/Collaborateur/Partenaire, etc) dans la ville de MUNDEMBA qui serait intéressée de voir son entreprise dans l'annuaire et communiquer sur le SAVOIR-FAIRE de celle-ci, informez-là de cette opportunité par MAIL ou Whatsapp.



Offres d'emploi à MUNDEMBA

Aucune offre d'emploi disponible maintenant pour la ville de MUNDEMBA

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Ville/village précédente :

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Autres localités des environs :

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Ile Akpa Bana
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Rio del Rey




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São Tomé-et-Principe
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